Try our digital stamp card DEMO with QR code validation

How can I test it in real life?

Scan this QR code to participate. This way, you'll test your customers' real experience. The vendor will show the clients the QR code when they make a purchase, to allow them access the card directly and receive a stamp.

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Register to generate your Loyalty Card

Scan the QR code from your mobile phone

The first time, it is necessary to identify and register so that the platform can create your customer profile. From the second time you access the Stamp card onwards, by simply logging in, you will be taken to the card.

Receive multiple rewards

In this DEMO promotion from Red Flowers Shops, you can win a prize by validating 4 purchases. 

Try it out by receiving 4 stamps using the same QR code!

When the stamp card is completed, you will be able to claim the final prize. 

And a new Loyalty card will be ready for you!

Request a personalised video call, tailored to your needs

Schedule a free DEMO session with our sales team. You'll have a chat with an Easypromos expert, who will analyse your goals, to present you with the best solutions on how to use Easypromos to reach all of your objectives.

Vendors can display the QR code on a mobile device, screen, or in printed format. The QR code can be automatically regenerated after each scan to prevent fraud.

The customer doesn't need to install or download any new application on their mobile phone.